Keyboard Shortcuts:
shift+drag from one node to another: add RA (inference) edge
c+drag from one node to another: add CA (conflict) edge
m+drag from one node to another: add MA (rephrase) edge
ctrl+click on node: open edit node menu
click+delete on node: delete the selected node
enter editing node's text: save your edit to the node
shift+enter editing node's text: add a new line to the node's text
dblclick on highlighted text: move canvas to the node for the text
ctrl+z on canvas: undo changes you made to an analysis
alt+click on canvas: draw a box to multi select
r on canvas: reset view
click+drag on canvas: move canvas
arrow keys: move canvas
+/- : zoom in/out
Adding Nodes to the Canvas
To add a node, enter the text you would like to use into the left hand side panel. Then highlight the text and click on the canvas, the highlighted text will be added to a node.
Adding Nodes for Interposed Material
First, highlight the text including the interposed material and click on the canvas, the highlighted text will be added to a node. The interposed material can then be removed by editing the node's text. Then highlight only the interposed material within the previously highlighted text and click on the canvas, the interposed text will be added to a separate node.
Editing Nodes
To access the edit node menu, either right click on a node and select 'Edit Node' from the menu or ctrl+click on the node you would like to edit.
Deleting Nodes
To delete a node, either right click on a node and select 'Delete Node' from the menu or click+delete on the node you would like to delete.
Reselecting a Node's Text
To reselect a node's text, either right click on a node or open the edit node menu then click the 'Reselect Text' button. This will unhighlight the currently selected text. Then select a new section of the text and click anywhere on the canvas. The text will be highlighted and linked to the node.
Adding Edges Between Nodes
To add an edge, click on the add edge button in the top toolbar which will open the add edge menu.
A source node and a target node for the new edge to connect from/to will need to be selected. The source node can be selected by clicking the 'Select Source' button then clicking on the node to select when the menu closes. The menu will then reopen with the selected source node's text displayed in the textbox. After selecting a source node, click the 'Select Target' button then click on the node to select when the menu closes again. An edge will then be added connecting the selected source and target nodes.
Adding Edges using Sticky Add Edge
To add an edge, click on the add edge button in the top toolbar and then click and drag between the two nodes you would like to connect.
Click the add edge button once for an inference relation, the button will turn green. Or twice for a conflict, the button will turn red. Or three times for a rephrase, the button will turn orange. Click the add edge button again to cancel adding an edge. This can be turned on/off by clicking the 'Sticky Add Edge' toggle in the analysis settings.
Adding Edges using Keyboard Shortcuts
To add an edge, click and drag from one node to another while pressing shift for an inference relation or the 'c' key for a conflict or the 'm' key for a rephrase. The add edge button will turn green, red or orange respectively.
Timestamp Format
The format of '[hh:mm:ss]' can be used to offset the start date and time by a number of hours, minutes or seconds when adding timestamps. It should be included within the text being analysed wherever the offset should start, e.g. including '[00:30:15]' at the start of the text being analysed would offset the first timestamp by 30 minutes and 15 seconds from the start time. This can only be used when analysing your own text, when analysing a URL the start date and time will be used for all timestamps instead.
Start Date and Time
The start date and time is when the text being analysed began. All timestamps are calculated based off of it. It should be updated before adding any timestamps to an analysis by clicking the 'Change Start Date and Time' button in the timestamp settings or by including it in the format of '[yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss GMT+hhmm]' at the start of the text being analysed.
Adding Timestamps
Timestamps can be added to locution nodes when using dialogical mode. They can be added automatically by turning on the 'Add Timestamps' toggle in the timestamp settings or manually added by editing a locution node.
Editing Timestamps
To edit a timestamp, either right click on its locution node and select 'Edit Timestamp' from the menu or ctrl+click on its locution node to access the edit node menu and click the 'Edit Timestamp' button. This will open a menu where a new date, time and timezone can be selected or the timestamp can be deleted.
Viewing Timestamps
Turning on the 'Show Timestamps' toggle in timestamp settings will display above locution nodes any timestamps that have been added to them, while turning it off will hide all timestamps on locution nodes.